What Features are available?
Sounds, especially speech signals, simply cannot be made louder. Sound must be “preprocessed” to enhance frequency patterns of each hearing loss as well as taking loudness recruitment, or abnormal loudness growth, into account. Digital processing enables the hearing aid to adjust automatically according to the different frequency bands where hearing is deficient. Softer sounds are made audible while louder sounds are attenuated, thus keeping the amplification in comfort levels for each individual. Digital processing allows for flexibility within the hearing instrument, resulting in a more efficient adjustment to each individual’s hearing loss.
Digital sound processing makes Canal Receiver Technology possible. Sounds are “preprocessed” to enhance frequency patterns of each hearing loss while taking loudness recruitment, or abnormal loudness growth, into account. Across several frequency ranges, softer sounds, such as consonant speech sounds, are made more audible while louder sounds are attenuated, or compressed. Think of digital processing as an equalizer on your stereo system!
Digital processing combined with a non-impeding signal and an open, non occluding fit results in the most comfortable fit and best listening experience possible.
Digital processing along with canal receiver technology has greatly improved the ease of listening in background noise. Directional microphones focus on the speech signal in front of the listener while reducing the surrounding background noises. This improves listening and understanding in areas such as restaurants, church, classrooms, and even concerts or ball games. Thus, directional microphone with canal receiver technology provides the most success for hearing in background noise to date!
Here are some digital circuitry options available in ALL styles of digital hearing aids today:
- Speech Zone (Unitron): This technology tracks and “pulls out” speech from distracting background noise, allowing you to recognize when speech is coming from the front or from the sides. Both of your hearing aids communicate with each other, automatically adjusting so you’re always in the conversation!
- Automatic (Adaptive) Directional Microphone: This system allows the hearing aid to automatically switch from surround sound to directional microphone mode, focusing the amplification in front of you and improving your ability to hear conversation in a noisy environment. The instrument automatically detects when background noise reaches a level requiring activation of the directional microcphone. When the background noise in the room diminishes, the instrument automatically switches back to omnidirectional (surround sound) setting.
- Adaptive Directional Microphone: This system follows the sound and reduces background noise from rear to sides, even when the sound is moving (i.e., car traveling behind you from left to right). Thus, the null (greatest area of sound reduction) is moved to where the background noise is the greatest.
- Fixed Directional Microphone: This technology focuses on the speech signal while reducing background noise, thus improving “signal to noise” ratio. Signals from the rear and sides are diminished while the signals in front of the listener are enhanced. The null occurs in the rear. The hearing aid wearer accesses this mode by pressing a button on the hearing aid or a remote control.
- Antishock: Elimiates uncomfortable noises without affecting the sounds you want to hear.
- Whistle-free technology: Eliminates annoying whistling or buzzing (feedback).
- Learn Now: Teaches your hearing aids your preferred settings.
- MyMusic: Brings out the rich, full tones of your favorite music.